Thursday, November 5, 2009

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE... research and Google skills. I can find nearly anything. So I decided to find this for you:

What's this image???

Well, I'm glad you asked! The above image is a spreadsheet and graph of Meredith College's "President's" salary information from 1999 (when she first arrived) to 2007-2008. The economy goes down and her salary goes up! (and by "President" I mean Dictator.)

Hey, YOU! Yes, you, Queen Maureen!
I don't see you making any sacrifices to help the "budget crisis" at Meredith. Why don't you consider a pay cut for the top administrators who make over $100,000 and are RUINING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION AT MEREDITH COLLEGE?!! Oh, right, you have to pay for a top-notch Lexus, a personal chef and property on Hilton Head Island! And those are just the tip of the iceberg...But I've got news for you, Queenie. Meredith is NOT Titanic and you are NOT Captain Smith. We refuse to let you venture into that iceberg field to lead us to our ultimate demise.

Not to mention, we all know you can't speak a lick of French and you probably never could. How dare you insult French majors by saying that we could only read and write the language, but we could not speak it at all!! I am furious about your preposterous remark. I speak the language fluently and have all capability of carrying in-depth conversations with native speakers. I didn't receive a certificate in Level B2.2 with "mention assez bien" in the common European reference for languages for naught. I have talent, which is more than you can say for yourself, unless you consider leaving a path of destruction behind everywhere you go...

Queenie, please do us all a favor and go play in traffic, because regardless of what I say and do, I have a feeling you're going to come out on the losing end of this war. And I'll be there willing and ready to celebrate your defeat.

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